Thursday, January 26, 2017

The April/Farley joint axiom.

The irritating thing about having to look at both April and Farley is remembering two things:
1) They either get the shit kicked out of them or are threatened with mayhem on a regular basis by damned near everyone in sight.
2) This is treated as not being an especially big deal because they are thought to deserve it for getting in someone else’s way or provoking them or whatever and besides, it’s not as if Elly or John were getting hurt or anything.
This is because something I like to call
Axiom 6a:
We aren’t supposed to care if a child or a dog gets fucked up because it’s not as if Lynn thinks that either really matter especially much.
This is, of course, Lynn has never made much of a secret of her disdain for dogs and her belief that children lead boring, pointless lives that do not matter to anyone including the children themselves. The reality that what we experience as children shapes who we become does not seem to appeal to Lynn because it implies that her need to run away from her kids might be why they are the way they are now.

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