Of course, one of the things that Elly has always thought was too hard aside from chasing after children or keeping her girlish figure is doing housework. It always seems to amaze her that her mother can tidy the house in almost nothing flat while she spends a wearing, despairing day of unspeakable toil. What she doesn't seem to have pieced together is that the reason uncharitable types like us make comments about how she just moves the dirt around is that it doesn't look as if she outgrew thinking that she hadn't made a jumble out of what she saw her mother doing. The reason she only thinks that she's doing what her mother did when she's just a dim-witted child's idea of Marian is what can be called:
Axiom 1p:
Elly believes herself to be far smarter and more observant than she actually is.
Of course, being an over-grown child who doesn't realize that she's not as smart as her mother is cannot be said to be the only manner in which not actually maturing overly much messes her up. While she'll deny it to her dying day, Elly is still the angry child who hated doing stuff that she didn't immediately take to. A normal person would feel a sense of accomplishment after having mastered a difficult task; Elly clearly seems to have felt as if she had been tortured for no reason by cruel people who inflicted useless knowledge on someone who's clearly the smartest person ever. This is why she stares goggle-eyed at ironing that would go away on its own if she hadn't made it out to be this horrible torment and it's why she screams blue murder at the Scary Difficult Machine. It can be called:
Axiom 1q:
1) Elly likes easy tasks that don't take a lot of time to master; when faced with something that can't be explained in more than fifteen seconds, she either loses patience and becomes a bellowing lunatic or stands there moaning about a non-event she's made into torture.
2) Elly doesn't like admitting that the tasks that bedevil her could possibly be as easy as other people make out because she needs to be the best at everything just to feel as if she should be kept alive and not summarily put to death for being useless and obsolete by an uncaring society that won't mourn her loss.
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